Dealing with their Diagnosis: The Day I Realised my Dad Wasn’t a Superhero

Most people would presume my childhood ended abruptly aged 14 when my dad died. In truth, I’d say it ended a little beforehand - one sunny August afternoon when my dad struggled to find the words to explain that he had cancer as I sat next to him on a picnic bench with a Calippo melting in my hand. It wasn’t his diagnosis as such that sent pubescent me into a tailspin, more the fact that it made me question everything that I knew to be true

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#SharingOnCaring 004 - Alice, 31, Gloucestershire

I was 25 when my mum was diagnosed with a brain tumour and just 4 short months later I had lost her.The thing I found hardest at the time was losing her at an age where we'd really just started to become friends - not just mother & daughter. We had plans for outings that never happened and I've beaten myself up so much about not having arranged them before she was ill but I just assumed she would always be there. 

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